Visual Recognition allows users to understand the contents of an image or video frame, answering the question: “What is in this image?” Submit an image, and the service returns scores for relevant classifiers representing things such as objects, events and settings.

1.0.0 - September 12, 2016.


Software Version

Mule Runtime

3.6.x and higher

Watson Visual Recognition API


Watson Java SDK



  1. Classify an image - Upload images or URLs to identify built-in classifiers by default.

  2. Detect faces - Analyze faces in images and get data about them.

  3. Recognize text - Extract the text in an image.

  4. Create a classifier - Train a new multi-faceted classifier on the uploaded image data.

  5. Retrieve a list of custom classifiers - Retrieve a list of user-created classifiers.

  6. Retrieve classifier details - Retrieve information about a specific classifier.

  7. Update a classifier - Update an existing classifier by adding new classes, or by adding new images to existing classes.

  8. Delete a classifier - Delete a custom classifier with the specified classifier ID.

Fixed in this Release

  • This version doesn’t have bugs fixed.

Known Issues

  • This version doesn’t have known issues.

Support Resources

  • Learn how to Install Anypoint Connectors using Anypoint Exchange.

  • Access MuleSoft’s MuleForge Forum to pose questions and get help from Mule’s broad community of users.

  • To access MuleSoft’s expert support team, subscribe to Mule ESB Enterprise and log in to MuleSoft’s Customer Portal.